
80 psychosocial protection professionals from 40 cities of Bosnia and Herzegovina at training to protect the best interests of the child and human and other rights in the care of victims of trafficking

Building capacities for 80 professionals from centres for social work and welfare, psychologists at prosecutor's offices, and forensic experts in the field of child psychology to enhance capacities in the referral mechanism for trafficking victims of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Through case studies of real trafficking cases, social workers and psychologists from 40 cities in Bosnia and Herzegovina upgrade and polish specific skils needed for quality interventions within the referral mechanism so that potential and identified victims of trafficking would have a better chance of being recognized, assisted and protected.
Zlatko Ikonić

Bosnia and Herzegovina on the Tier 2 Watchlist again

Bosnia and Herzegovina is on the Tier 2 Watchlist again. According to the 2019 State Department's Trafficking in Persons Report the BiH government was not sucessful in taking actions to counter the phenomenon. Potential downgrade to Tier 3 status is detrimental to BiH, thus more needs to be done and very soon, othervise the U.S. government will be forced to restrict providing technical assistance, training, or capacity development to all BiH government institutions! This situation has been discussed by the USAID Mission Director Nancy Eslick and the State Anti-Trafficking Coordinator in BiH, where the State Coordinator briefed on progress in…
Zlatko Ikonić

Working Group on the Development of Manual for lawyers and legal representatives on providing legal aid representation to the TIP victims

Following the first round of consultation with the members of the Working Group on the Development of Manual for lawyers and legal representatives on providing legal aid representation to the TIP victims, organised by IFS-EMMAUS, with the support of USAID through the VICAPT program, through a workshop held on March 16-17, 2020 in Konjic, the work continues. The Working Group, in the light of and adapted to the current epidemiological situation, will continue the consultation activities on the development of the Manual using electronic remote communication solutions. In this way, we reaffirmed our humanity, professionalism, adaptability, responsibility and commitment to…
Zlatko Ikonić

Visit of the USAID DA Glick and US Ambassador Nelson

Today, International Forum of Solidarity - Emmaus (IFS-EMMAUS) was honored to welcome the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Deputy Administrator Bonnie Glick, the United States Ambassador in Bosnia and Herzegovina Eric Nelson and the USAID/BiH Mission Director Nancy Eslick, with a delegation from Washington, to discuss the seriousness of the situation in the area of trafficking in persons (TIP) in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the response of the BiH government and civil society organizations. Mrs. Glick commended the work of IFS-EMMAUS as a civil society organization that has been active on the suppression of trafficking in persons for…
Zlatko Ikonić