Awareness center

Social networks

Social network is a type of internet service which usually appears in form of a platform, window or a web-site. It represents internet space that enables its users connection and communication, but also gives them space for self-representation (free photo and video upload, playing different games etc.

Main things you should know about social networks!

Like everything else, Internet has it`s good and bad side. The most positive side is probably using its potential to find out and learn new things. The bad or better said scary side of internet is the fact that everything you ever posted, sent, shared or googled stays written somewhere in the network forever.

Sometimes even if you have some files only on your phone, a skilled hacker can hack your phone and get access to all of your private data.

Main advice on protection on social networks

Don’t reveal everything about yourself- these are some of the things you should not share with everybody:

  • Date of birth
  • Explicit photos of yourself or others
  • Plans for family vacations (it leaves options for burglars to rob your house while you’re not there)
  • Your home address
  • Your mother’s maiden name
  • Your phone number
  • Photo of your house

Never keep your profile public, use the apps smartly, don’t accept friend request from unknown people and set your privacy level to highest possible setting.


If you somehow have an online friend on your social media profile, that you don’t know in person and you think that person is not who he/she is saying, if he/she is talking about inappropriate things, giving you fear, anxiety or if he/she is suggesting a meet up, here is what you need to do:

  • Report it to somebody- parent, guardian, older brother or sister; smartest thing you can do is sharing the problem with an adult you can trust
  • Do not meet with that person under any circumstances
  • Keep all conversations, emails, photos and other files- if this person turns out to be dangerous, this is the evidence you can use to end this type of crime.

Safety settings - Facebook

Instructions for setting up security settings

Did you know that Facebook allows you to download a copy of your Facebook data?

Safety settings - Instagram

To set Instagram posts to private, you should go to their profile by tapping the person icon. Then, tap the gear icon (iOS) or the three dots icon (Android) and turn on the Private Account setting.

You can also block and remove followers by tapping their user name, then the three dots icon and selecting Block User.

Find out more here.

Safety settings - Snapchat

Snapchat has two privacy settings, one for who can send you Snaps and another for who can view your Stories. To change these privacy settings, tap the gear icon in the top right of the Profile screen to access Settings. To change Who Can Send Me Snaps within Settings, tap Send Me Snaps and choose from Everyone or My Friends. To change Who Can View My Stories within Settings, tap View My Story and select either Everyone, My Friends or Custom. Any changes will be saved when you press the back button.

To block someone, go to My Friends, tap on the name of the person you want to block, then the gear icon, which brings up a list of options. Click Block.

Find out more here.

Safety settings - X

You can choose to protect your tweets so they are only visible to the Twitter followers you have approved. On the Web, find Settings under your small profile pic, top right.

Go to Security Privacy settings, scroll down to the Tweet privacy section, tick the box next to Protect my Tweets and click the blue Save button. On a smartphone, go to Me, tap on the gear icon (iOS) or overflow icon (Android), select Settings and choose the account you’d like to edit. Then, for iOS devices, go to Protect my tweets and tap On and for Android devices, go to Other and tick the Tweet privacy box.

To block someone on the website and mobile, click on their tweet, select the three dots icon, then click Block.

Find out more here.