Awareness center

Video on internet

Remember that every video your child posts online can potentially stay there forever and everybody has access to see it, and that includes you as their parent, family, teachers, friends from school etc.

Consequences of sharing videos online

If you or your child really care about posting some video online, register to somewhat protect it and get author rights, because videos from YouTube can end up in weird places, such as other videos, video compilations or even in commercials.

Even if you register, think twice what can happen with content of your video before you post it on “endless” web. From practical point of view, suing someone for taking your video and using it somewhere else is expensive, long and damage is already done- there is no way back.

One more thing to consider is safety of the family. Children give too much information and not only post info about themselves, but also place they live, trips they plan and with that they are revealing when they are home alone or when house is empty. This can easily reach potential predators.

Web cams

Web cams are cameras that are connected with your computer or cell phone. It can emit real time videos trough some of the programs used to establish video calls.

Web cams that are not being used should be covered because hackers can use them to spy on you. Hackers can get to your computer trough some programs, without you knowing about it, and can spy on you without any warning. One simple and easy way to prevent is covering your camera when you don’t use it. It is important to be very cautious when using web cams.

Privacy settings - YouTube

You Tube is very popular amongst all age groups, especially children. You can watch videos without having a profile. For commenting, liking and voting you have to have Google account. If you are worried that your child views inappropriate videos on You Tube, you can set restricted mode. From your computer or tablet set this restricted mode to “ON”. To prevent your child to make changes make You Tube Account.

You Tube also enables you to tag, report and block videos. To block a video or report a user you should go to his/hers channel, click “About”, click on the flag icon and pick from options. To report a video you should click on three dots and find option “report”.

Find out more here.