Awareness center

Mobile phones

Young people like to use phones because it gives them feeling of independence and possibilities but also planning some activities. They can also have fun with it in many ways, like for example playing games, sharing photos or videos.  They share stuff via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. As technology develops, more and more children have access to smartphones with internet and cameras.


Beside the fact that children spend much time talking to people online rather than their family, there are some other more serious dangers behind using smartphone.

Many phones today have internet apps for watching TV online, which means that children today can access internet and TV content at any time, with nobody controlling them. Young people have to be very cautious with sharing their photos and who are they sharing them with. It is very easy to have online image redistributed very quickly. This is worrying because there are a lot of photos on the websites that also gets visited by pedophiles. Young people have to know that by sharing their photos they are putting themselves in danger of becoming potential victim of cyber bullying or extortion.

How to lower risk from danger?

It’s very important to explain what is phone used for and what can it be used for and what potential consequences come with irresponsible use.

There are cell phone operators today that sell phones with software that makes certain blockages for the device before it comes to your kid`s hands, installing apps that will prevent your kid installing apps potentially dangerous for him/her.  This way young people can’t access all content available on the internet and all the TV channels. Remind your child that every photo they send can be taken and redistributed. When they send it they simply lose control over it. If they really must have a social media profile, you should make sure that privacy level is high and that they don’t reveal too much personal info.

Together with them view websites for young people and read all the advice to make them and you feel safer.
