Awareness center

Human trafficking

Trafficking in Human Beings  refers to sale and purchase of human beings; or keeping someone against their will with goal of exploitation of this person, and all the other actions that can be part of this process (for example transfer, keeping, hiding etc.) This exploitation always includes use of violence, threatening, fraud, abuse of authority and/or abuse of difficult situation of a person and kidnapping.

Trafficking in Human Beings includes abuse of children for child pornography; production and displaying child pornography, compelling to prostitution and introducing child to pornography.


Exploitation represents abuse of others trough prostitution or other forms of sexual abuse, forced labor or service giving, slavery or actions that resemble slavery, serving trough coercion and organ trafficking.

Children trafficking

Children trafficking means any action with which a person or a group transfers a child to someone else for money or other forms of payment.


Some of the causes for increased rate of trafficking in human beings are: high unemployment rate, poverty, lack of education, gender discrimination, labor market discrimination, domestic violence.

Infulence of the internet

Research has shown that over 70% of children, victims of trafficking in human beings were “sold” on the internet.