Awareness center


Sexting is term used when technology is being use to share sexual content. It can be in form of text messages, photo or video. This type of content can be shared between partners, peers and even between strangers through gadgets such as smartphone or a computer. Sharing naked photos is not a novelty in the world, but what did change dramatically as the result of online world is the speed of sharing this content and audience it can reach.

When minor takes naked photo of himself/herself, he/she is potentially creates child pornography content. Remember- once you send something online, you can no longer control it!

  • Sexting message can reach much bigger audience than you think!

Sexting can make you feel ashamed or disturb you. There is no need to share your privacy with other people!

If something like this happens

  1. Stay calm and react fast!
  2. Talk to someone: in situation like this, it can be hard to talk to someone and ask for help, but it is also very important. Friends, family or a psychologist will surely be worried about your safety. If you want them to help you, you have to be completely honest about what happened and about your emotions.

Who can help?

-Parents or guardians: If you want them to support you, they have to know what happened. Try not to be ashamed and be honest about how you feel.  

-Local police

-Teacher or school psychologist
