Awareness center

Hacking and viruses

Hacking represents a technical effort to manipulate normal behavior of network connections and connected systems. Hacker is every person who tries to hack. If somebody hacks your computer, he/she can collect your data, information, photos and misuse them.

What is a virus?

Virus is program or code which duplicates itself in other files that it interacts with. It can infect any program or document that supports macro inputs, changing the content and copying its code in it. It can delete all the data you have on your computer and increase risk of online exposure.

How to protect yourself?

  • Never click on suspicions links- this is the main way cyber criminals infect user`s computer.
  • Use different passwords on different websites and online services- Users have more and more online accounts and use the same passwords for many of them, and if hackers figure out one password, they can easily hack other accounts because you use the same password.
  • Never use password of your main e-mail. Main e-mail is gold mine for private information.
  • Use anti-virus protection program- also one of the main rules when surfing the network. Anti-virus protection can recognize on time many online hazards and stop infection of the computer.
  • If you doubt it- block it- Sideway advises that it is the best to delete friend requests from people you don’t know in person on social networks such as Facebook.
  • Ignore pop-up windows- pop-up windows can contain hazardous software.
  • Beware of public Wi-Fi networks- most of public Wi-Fi networks don’t code information, and hackers can, using special programs, get your data that is transferred trough Wi-Fi network.
  • Use passwords for your smartphone and other devices- lock them with safety password.
  • Set privacy on your Facebook account so you can protect it- don’t make your personal data available for everyone.
  • Never log on to you Facebook account from other devices.
  • Avoid emails that ask you to log on to your Facebook account.
  • Never allow your browser to remember your password.
  • Use strong password- combination of capital and small letters and numbers.
  • Never include your personal data such as your name, number, date of birth etc. in your password. By doing this you are making it easier to hack your account.